Homophones List
Homophones are words that have different meaning and spelling, but the same pronunciation.
aisle, isle - ate, eight - bare, bear - be, bee - blew, blue - brake, break - buy, by - cell, sell - cent, sent, scent - chord, cord - dear, deer - die, dye - fair, fare - flea, flee - flour, flower - guest, guessed - heal, heel - hear, here - hole, whole - hour, our - in, inn - its, it's - knew, new - knot, not - know, no - made, maid - mail, male - meat, meet - night, knight - pail, pale - pair, pare, pear - peace, piece - pray, prey - rain, rein, reign - real, reel - right, write, rite - road, rode, rowed - role, roll - sail, sale - sea, see - sight, site, cite - soar, sore - sole, soul - son, sun - stair, stare - stake, steak - steal, steel - tail, tale - threw, through - to, too, two - vain, vane, vein - waist, waste - wait, weight - way, weigh - week, weak - wood, would
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domingo, agosto 19, 2007
Homophones List
1 comentários:
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