English news

No Blog da Mélica tem um post chamado Inteligência é conhecer a si mesmo que fala de um documentário da BBC chamado "Battle of the brains", sobre um teste realizado cm 7 pessoas com diferentes tipos de inteligência. Vale a pena conferir o vídeo abaixo da BBC, em inglês:

Vídeo: "Battle of the brains" (BBC).

Is David Beckham intelligent? Perhaps he is. Is he intelligent in the same way as Stephen Fry? Perhaps not. The problem with intelligence has been to find ways of fairly assessing both types - and many others.

But what about "creativity"? It is not really tested by an IQ test.
Robert Sternberg, from Tufts University, Boston, maintains it's essential:

"Creativity was a tool for the high flyers - the Einsteins, the Darwins, the Newtons. But now the world has changed so much that creativity is now a vital part of intelligence for everyone"

Leia a matéria na íntegra neste link da BBC (em inglês):

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