20-Minute Lessons

20-Minute ESL Lessons: Each of the pages below is designed to be a short, self-standing learning activity for teachers and students.

Airplane Travel , Bank Services , Beauty and Hair Salons , Best Dating Ideas , Buildings
Cars and Driver's Education , Car Rental , Celebrations and Events , Computers and the Internet , Dating and Marriage , Dental Care , Doctor's Visit , Education , Exercise , Family , Relationships , Fashion and Clothing , Friendships , Gourmet Cooking and Recipes , Home Improvement: Outside the Home , Household Chores , Hobbies and Recreation , Housing , Hotel Reservations , Illnesses and Health , Learning Languages , Job Hunting , Movies and DVD , Rentals , Movie Theaters , Music , Outdoor Recreation , People: Age and Build , Personality , Types , Pets and Animal Care , Renting Apartments , Restaurant Guide , Sports , School , Subjects , Supermarket , Train Travel , Transportation , Travel , Weather , Workplace.

Test: Elementary level

Elementary level

1. Speaking already
2. Money accepted
3. Drive carefully
4. Listen/Hear
5. Finish/End
6. Start/Begin
7. Modals Verb
8. Article in English
9. Relative Pronouns
10. Present Tense
11. Conditionals
12. We went on holiday
13. Grammar Questions
14. Computers
15. An Easy Question
16. Learn it by heart
17. White Water Rafting
18. Making an Appointment
19. Late Again
20. Where am I?
21. Remove the Spoon
22. Weather Forecast
23. On TV tonight
24. Shopping
25. On my Mobile
26. The Bells
27. Sailing
28. Responses
29. Responses (2)
30. Responses (3)
31. Responses (4)
32. Responses (5)
33. Responses (6)
34. Responses (7)
35. Question Tags
36. Question Tags (2)
37. Question Tags (3)
38. Object Pronoun
39. Relative Pronoun Exercises
40. Reflexive Pronouns

Fonte: http://www.english-test.net/esl/learn/english/grammar/ei039/esl-test.php

English for Everyday Living


1. In the Kitchen
2. In the Bathroom
3. In the Bedroom
4. In the Living Room
5. In the Garage
6. In the Yard
7. In the Office
8. At School
9. At the Store
10. At the Barbershop and Your Body

Inglês Básico:

Interview II

Interview with Gisele Bundchen

Nesta entrevista, a palavra que ela não consegue pronúnciar correto é Myth [mĭth], na frase: Tom Jobin is a myth... ela tenta explicar o que quer dizer, mas o entrevistador não entende!

*Creio que para a palavra "cartolina", que ela cita na entrevista, a melhor tradução seria "Poster".

Veja o vídeo:

Dica do dia

Dica do dia:

Dicionário online, tradutores e glossários:

Inglês canadense

Prática de pronúncia em inglês canadense

Outros site que ensinam a pronúncia do TH:

Curso de Inglês Básico

Curso de inglês Básico para você aprender de forma rápida e prática?

Para fazer o download..
clique aqui -->LINK DO ARQUIVO

At the Library

Link: Listen to the Whole Conversation

Librarian: Can I help you?
Natalie: Yes. I am a bit confused. My sociology class is supposed to read a chapter in a book called Sociology and the Modern Age. According to the syllabus, the book is in the library, but I haven't been able to find it.
Librarian: Do you have your syllabus with you? May I see it?
Natalie: Yes, uh....I put it in the front of my sociology notebook. Oh, here it is.
Librarian: Let me see. Oh yes. Your professor has placed this book on reserve. That means you cannot find it on the shelves in its usual place. You need to go to a special room called the reserve room. It's down the hall and to the right.
Natalie: I'm sorry - I still don't understand what you mean by on reserve.
Librarian: You see, your professor wants every one in the class to read the chapter. If one student removes the book from the library, it is likely that none of the other students will have the opportunity to read it. So, your professor has insured that all students have the opportunity to read it by placing it on reserve.
Natalie: So, will I be able to find this book?
Librarian: Yes, when a book is on reserve, a student can go to the reserve room and ask the reserve librarian for the book. The student can have the book for a few hours, and he or she MUST read it in the library during that time. That way, the book stays in the library, and all students have a chance to read it.
Natalie: Okay. Thank you. I understand now.
Librarian: Will there be anything else?
Natalie: No! I am on my way to the reserve room. Thanks again!

Exercise I
Main Menu

Fonte: http://www.rong-chang.com/book/index.html

Learn english watching cartoon

The Little Prince

Link do Blog da Mélica


alligator - ant - bear - bee - bird - camel - cat - cheetah - chicken - chimpanzee - cow - crocodile - deer - dog - dolphin - duck - eagle - elephant - fish - fly - fox - frog - giraffe - goat -
goldfish - hamster - hippopotamus - horse - kangaroo - kitten - lion - lobster - monkey - octopus - owl - panda - pig - puppy - rabbit - rat - scorpion - seal - shark - sheep - snail - snake - spider - squirrel - tiger - turtle - wolf - zebra

airplane - bicycle - boat - bus - car - helicopter - horse - jet - motorcycle - ship - subway - taxi - train - truck

back - cheeks - chest - chin - ears - eyebrows - eyes - feet - fingers - foot - forehead - hair - hands - head - hips - knees - legs - lips - mouth - neck - nose - shoulders - stomach - teeth - teeth - throat - toes - tongue - tooth - waist

Other list: http://www.manythings.org/vocabulary/lists/a/

English-Portuguese Picture Dictionary

A is for ...

ACID RAIN - chuva ácida
ACUTE ANGLE - ângulo agudo
ADULT - adultos
AIRPLANE - avião
ALLEY - ruela
ALLIGATOR - jacaré
ALPHABET - alfabeto
AMBER - âmbar
AMBULANCE - ambulância
AMERICAN SIGN LANGUAGE - linguagem gestual, linguagem de surdo e mudo
ANATOMY - anatomia
ANCHOR - âncora
ANGEL - anjo
ANGELFISH - peixe-anjo
ANGLE - ângulo
ANIMALS - animais
ANIMAL TRACKS - rastro de animal, pegadas de animal
ANKLE - o tornozelo
ANT - formiga
ANTARCTICA - Antártica
ANTELOPE - antílope
ANTLER - a armação, a galhada
APE - macaco
APPLE - maçã
APRON - avental
AQUARIUM - aquário
ARCH - arco
ARCHER - arqueiro
ARITHMETIC - aritmética
ARM - o braço
ARMCHAIR - poltrona
ARROW - flecha
ART GALLERY - galeria de arte
ARTICHOKE - alcachôfra
ARTIST - artista
ASIA - Asia
ASLEEP - adormecido
ASTEROID - asteróide
ASTRONAUT - astronauta
ASTRONOMY - astronomia
ATHLETE - atleta
ATOM - átomo
AURORA - aurora
AUSTRALIA - Austrália
AUTOMOBILE - automóvel
AUTUMN - o outono
AVENUE - avenida
AVOCADO - abacate
AWL - furador
AX - o machado

Fonte (Veja outras letras):
English Alphabet:

Number of syllables

Number of syllables
Comparative Superlative
one syllable + -er + -est
tall taller tallest
one syllable with the spelling consonant + single vowel + consonant: double the final consonant:
fat fatter fattest
big bigger biggest
sad sadder saddest


The Superlative is the form of an adjective or adverb that shows which thing has that quality above or below the level of the others. There must be three or more to use the superlative. It takes the definite article and short adjectives add -est and longer ones take 'most':

Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world.
It is the most expensive restaurant I've ever been to.


The Comparative is the form of an adjective or adverb used to compare two things. To create a comparative, remember that with short adjectives add -er to the end, and longer ones use more before the adjective:

EG: The Nile is longer than the Amazon. - Long >> Longer
EG: Many students find writing more difficult than reading. - Difficult >> More Difficult

Comparative Adjectives

Comparative Adjectives
When we talk about two things, we can "compare" them. We can see if they are the same or different. Perhaps they are the same in some ways and different in other ways. We can use comparative adjectives to describe the differences.

We can use comparative adjectives when talking about 2 things (not 3 or more things).

In the example below, "bigger" is the comparative form of the adjective "big":
A1 A2
A1 is bigger than A2.

In this lesson we will look first at how we make comparative adjectives, and then at how we use them:


What are adjectives?

What are adjectives?
Adjectives are describing words - they tell you more about nouns.Nouns are 'naming' words, they are a person, place or thing.Adjectives tell you more about the noun. Using adjectives makes your sentences more interesting.

The pretty girls laughed.
In this sentence:
'girls' is the noun (it says who's laughing).
'pretty' is the adjective (it says more about the noun).

Here are some more sentences with nouns and adjectives.
The fat captain ate dinner.
Sam is blonde and gorgeous.
Old Hani and I drove up the big hill.

Remember that adjectives tell you about the noun, they describe the noun. Don't confuse adjectives with adverbs. Adverbs describe the verb, they tell you more about an action - eg: 'he laughed loudly'.

Remember that adjectives usually come before the noun.You can use more than one adjective if you need to. Eg: The tall, bright, beautiful waitress picked up the dark, dirty coffee.

There are rules about the order that you should put adjectives in when you use more than one, but the best way to know is to say the sentence to yourself. Does it sound right?


Adjective Placement

When using more than one adjective to describe a noun place the adjectives in the following order before the noun.

NOTE: We usually use no more than 3 adjectives preceding a noun.

1. Opinion : an interesting book, a boring lecture

2. Dimension : a big apple, a thin wallet

3. Age : a new car, a modern building, an ancient ruin

4. Shape : a square box, an oval mask, a round ball

5. Color : a pink hat, a blue book, a black coat

6. Origin : some Italian shoes, a Canadian town, an American car

7. Material : a wooden box, a woolen sweater, a plastic toy

Here are some examples of nouns modified with three adjectives in the correct order based on the list above. Notice that the adjectives are not separated by commas.

A wonderful old Italian clock. (opinion - age - origin)

A big square blue box. (dimension - shape - color)

A disgusting pink plastic ornament. (opinion - color - material)

Some slim new French trousers. (dimension - age - origin)

Fonte: http://esl.about.com/library/grammar/blgr_adjective_order.htm


Opposite Word

big - little
cheap - expensive
clean - dirty
deep - shallow
easy - difficult
far - near
fast - slow
fat - thin
full - empty
good - bad
happy - sad
hard - easy
heavy - light
here - there
high - low
hot - cold
in - out
inside - outside
light - dark
long - short
many - few
new - old
rich - poor
right - left
right - wrong
safe - dangerous
single - married
smooth - rough
soft - hard
strong - weak
tall - short
thick - thin
tight - loose
warm - cool
wet - dry
wide - narrow
young - old

Fonte: http://www.manythings.org/vocabulary/lists/2/


Eulogy for Princess Diana of Wales

[AUTHENTICITY CERTIFIED: Text version below transcribed directly from audio]

I stand before you today, the representative of a family in grief, in a country in mourning before a world in shock. We are all united not only in our desire to pay our respects to Diana but rather in our need to do so. For such was her extraordinary appeal that the tens of millions of people taking part in this service all over the world via television and radio who never actually met her, feel that they, too, lost someone close to them in the early hours of Sunday morning. It is a more remarkable tribute to Diana than I can ever hope to offer her today. Diana was the very essence of compassion, of duty, of style, of beauty. All over the world she was a symbol of selfless humanity, a standard-bearer for the rights of the truly downtrodden, a very British girl who - who transcended nationality, someone with a natural nobility who was classless, and who proved in the last year that she needed no royal title to continue to generate her particular brand of magic.

Today is our chance to say "thank you" for the way you brightened our lives, even though God granted you but half a life. We will all feel cheated, always, that you were taken from us so young and yet we must learn to be grateful that you came along at all. Only now you are gone do we truly appreciate what we are now without and we want you to know that life without you is very, very difficult. We have all despaired at our loss over the past week and only the strength of the message you gave us through your years of giving has afforded us the strength to move forward.

Leia na íntegra:

Interchange book

Daily Expression

"on second thought" - pensando bem
"On second thought maybe you should go."
"get a grip" - se controlar
"You need to get a grip, or you'll have to go."
"stuck-up" - prepotente - metido
"Your friend seems a little stuck-up."
"stick around" - ficar por perto
"Hey Jim, stick around and see the show."
to"jot down" - fazer uma anotação rápida - escrever um bilhete
"I want to jot down your phone number."
"since you wanna know" - já que você quer saber
"Since you wanna know, I'll tell you. I did it."
to"pass out" - desmaiar
"She looks like she is going to pass out."
to"go haywire" - endoidar de vez- ficar esculhambado
"My plans for the party are going haywire."
to "gossip" - fofocar
"It's not nice to gossip."
"Congratulations!" - Parabens!
"Congratulations! You got the job."

Fonte: http://www.omelhoringles.com/dailyexpression2.php
(Clicar neste link acima para ouvir as frases em inglês)

Leia também: Blog da Mélica

Games in English

Memory Game:

Hosted by Daily Free Games

Play more games here:

Tips and Techniques II

How to iron a shirt:

Click here to see this video and others:

Unfortunately, many shirts do need ironing - but if you learn to do it yourself, you'll save enough on dry-cleaning to buy several more.


Steps One: Find the tag on your shirt that indicates what it's made of.
Step Two: Plug in the iron and set the dial to the recommended setting for that fabric. 100-percent cotton and linen need a high setting; wools and cotton blends call for medium heat; polyester, rayon, nylon, silk, acetate and acrylic all need a low heat setting.

Step Three: Fill the iron with distilled water if you will be using the "steam" setting on cottons or linens.

Step Four: Iron the back of the collar first, then the front, taking care to iron in from the edges a little at a time to avoid creases.

Step Five: Open cuffs fully. Iron inside first, then outside.

Step Six: Iron sleeves after smoothing them flat to avoid creases. Do sleeve backs first, fronts second and take extra care on armhole seams.

Step Seven: Hang shirt over board so that one front panel of the shirt can be extended flat (collar at narrower end of board). Iron from shoulder to shirttail.

Step Eight: Rotate shirt over board so that you iron the back next, and the other front panel last.
Outros vídeos:

Slang (gírias)

Learn American Slang expressions


Listening carefully; keenly attentive.
1) I was all ears as Svet told me this exciting story.
You listen with your ears, so if you are 'all ears' your entire being is listening to someone speak.

Lista com várias gírias em inglês:

Train your ears

Apparently, we are safe neither at home nor in the business office. We use water in both places, but the above-mentioned research shows that chemicals added to our local water supply to kill harmful bacteria can have unwanted ___1___. These chemicals can cause potential harm through drinking and in seemingly harmless activities as cleaning one's house. These ___2___ are released from water by daily actions like water running out of ___3___, spraying from garden ___4___, or splashing in dishwashers and washing machines. As the water is agitated, these chemicals are released into the air and then breathed in. Once inside our bodies, they start to affect our health adversely.

Para ouvir o audio deste texto, clique aqui:

1. side effects
2. additives
3. faucets
4. hoses

Visite também o Blog da Mélica!!!

English news

No Blog da Mélica tem um post chamado Inteligência é conhecer a si mesmo que fala de um documentário da BBC chamado "Battle of the brains", sobre um teste realizado cm 7 pessoas com diferentes tipos de inteligência. Vale a pena conferir o vídeo abaixo da BBC, em inglês:

Vídeo: "Battle of the brains" (BBC).

Is David Beckham intelligent? Perhaps he is. Is he intelligent in the same way as Stephen Fry? Perhaps not. The problem with intelligence has been to find ways of fairly assessing both types - and many others.

But what about "creativity"? It is not really tested by an IQ test.
Robert Sternberg, from Tufts University, Boston, maintains it's essential:

"Creativity was a tool for the high flyers - the Einsteins, the Darwins, the Newtons. But now the world has changed so much that creativity is now a vital part of intelligence for everyone"

Leia a matéria na íntegra neste link da BBC (em inglês):

Common Spelling Errors

A lista seguinte apresenta os erros ortográficos mais comuns feitos por estudantes portugueses da língua inglesa:

Incorrect - Correct : Significado
absolutly - absolutely : absolutamente
accomodation - accommodation : alojamento
acommodation - accommodation : alojamento
addiction - addition : adição; suplemento; acréscimo
addition - addiction : dependência (ex. de drogra)
adress - address : endereço
agressive - aggressive : agressivo

Veja a lista completa neste link:

Idioms and Proverbs

English Idioms & Proverbs

- Be as American as apple pie
Meaning: Be typically American. If something or someone is as American as apple pie, it/he/she is typically or completely American.
Jose and Maria came to the U.S. 10 years ago and still keep the traditions of their home country. However, their children are as American as apple pie.An American couple opened a restaurant in Japan, and their food tasts as American as apple pie.
- Be a piece of cake
Meaning: To be very easy. If something is a piece of cake, it is very easy to do.
A: How was the driving test yesterday? Did you pass?
B: Of course! It was a piece of cake.
- Be broke
Meaning: Without money. If you are broke, you don't have money.
"Do you want to go to the movies tonight?" "I can't go. I'm broke. Tomorrow is payday."

Fonte: http://humanities.byu.edu/elc/student/idioms/idiomsmain.html

Visite também o Blog da Mélica!!!

Expressões idiomáticas

A combinação do verbo estar com as preposições de e com é muito comum em português, sendo que os significados que essas combinações representam, podem assumir diferentes formas em inglês, conforme os seguintes exemplos:

Estou com frio. / ... fome. / ... medo. / ... sono.
- I'm cold. / ... hungry. / ... afraid. / ... sleepy.
Estou com vontade de beber uma cerveja.
- I feel like drinking a beer. / I'd like to drink ...
Estou com pressa.
- I'm in a hurry.
Estou com dor de cabeça.
- I've got a headache. / I have a headache.
Está com defeito.
- It's out of order.
Está com jeito de chuva.
- It looks like rain.
Ela está com 15 anos.
- She is 15 years old.
Estou de ressaca.
- I've got a hangover. / I have a hangover. / I'm hung over.
Ela está de aniversário.
- Today is her birthday. / She's celebrating her birthday today.
Estou de férias.
- I'm on vacation. / ... on holidays.
Estou de folga.
- It's my day off.
Estou de serviço.
- I'm on duty.
Estou de castigo.
- I'm grounded.
Estou de saída. / ... de partida.
- I'm leaving.
Estou só de passagem.
- I was just passing by.
Estamos de acordo.
- We agree.
Estou com pouco dinheiro. / Estou mal de dinheiro.
- I'm short of money.
Está de cabeça para baixo. / Está de pernas para o ar.
- It's upside down.
Está tudo misturado. ´
- It's all mixed up.
